Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wind of change


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog ! Recently, a subscriber asked me to speak about my favorite song. It is with a great excitement I talk about a song who really impacted me: “Wind of Change” by Scorpions.
Firstly, I show you the lyrics to really understand the song and after I will explain you all

I follow the Moskva      →  the moskva is a name of a river in Moscow

Down to Gorky Park     the gorky park is a famous park in Moscow

Listening to the wind of change

An August summer night   → wave of revolutions from the eastern bloc
starting in poland.

Soldiers passing by    → It's for civilian soldiers

Listening to the wind of change  → The winds of change represented the rapid political reforms of Glasnost and Perestroika by Gorbachev in the USSR.

The world is closing in

Did you ever think

That we could be so close, like brothers  →  the two sides of berlin, also the east and the west

The future's in the air                                            

I can feel it everywhere

Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment

 On a glory night                                                the fall of the berlin wall

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

In the wind of change

Walking down the street

Distant memories

Are buried in the past forever

I follow the Moskva

Down to Gorky Park

Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams

With you and me                                              it means that the people of the future will live in peace and with no wars, its a magical world

Take me to the magic of the moment                    

On a glory night                                                            

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

In the wind of change

The wind of change

Blows straight into the face of time

Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell

For peace of mind

Let your balalaika sing

What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams

With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

« Wind of Change » is a ballad released in 1990, in the album called "Crazy World". This song is  written by the singer of the German heavy metal bands Scorpions : Klaus Mein. This ballad was also written in Spanish and Russian."Wind Of Change" did not become a hit until 1991. The band sold more than 100.000.000 copies. The link between this song and the fall of communism is not immediately obvious. It refer to the political situation in Russia but it will be later used as an hymn of the Berlin's wall. Indeed, this song celebrated the end of the Cold War particularly in USSR. That is, the end of the tensions between the two nations, the United States and the Soviet Union. Scorpions presented the single to the soviet leader, Gorbachev, in 1991.

To write the lyrics, Klaus Mein was inspired by the Moscow Music Peace Festival : a gathering of hard rocker for a performance in Moscow in 1989 to promote world peace and establish an international cooperation against the oppression. Indeed, this festival was a part of Perestroika's programme to open up the Soviet union to the rest of the world. So, a symbol of a change in the Soviet Union.

Moscow Music Peace Festival
Also, the song is  extremely link to the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, when hundreds of thousands of East Berliners crossed the wall and went to the West.

It's when the wall came down
This song permit to really understand the fight who endure people in Eastern Europe for freedom. This song is for all the soldiers particularly civilian soldiers and the fallen heroes like Palach and Siwiec. Indeed, they gave their lives to protest against the Soviet Regime. But this song was also for everyone else to understand the hope developing in USSR. So, this song modify not only the life of Russians but also all the world.
The singer says  "When we played in Moscow, we saw the world changing in front of our eyes. We talked to many young fans and they said they'd never dreamt they'd be watching hard rock bands at their Olympic stadium". We can understand the real impact of "Wind Of Change" on peaple. 

I think about this song and I want to link this song with “heroes” by David Bowie who also symbolizes the fall of the Berlin wall.

Thank you for your attention. Bye, see you soon! 

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