Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sunday bloody sunday

Sunday bloody sunday is a song by the Irish rock band U2 formed in 1976 . He constists of Bono (Paul Hewson), the singer, The Edge (David Evans), the guitarist, pianist and singer, Adam Clayton the bass player and Larry Mullen the drummer. It is with third album « War » who appears in 1983, that the group takes a stand on political subjects as the events in Ireland with the song Sunday Bloody Sunday.

The north-Irish conflict is a period of violence and political unrest in Nothern Ireland in the second half of 20e century.

The lyrics of the song decribes the events which took place in Dublin in 1972. These events were known under the name of Bloody sunday. A pacifist demonstration was organized for demanding the respect for the civil rights in Nothern Ireland and the end of the discriminatory practices to the catholics. The British army intervenes and killed pacifists demonstrators.

It is a protest song who describe the horror felt by an observer during the pacifist demonstration for the Irish independance on sunday january, 21st of 1972. The british troops intervene and kill 14 unarmed civils. The title of the song refers to the date when took place the beginning of this war.
The kind of this song is the Rock
Bono seems shocked by what he heard in the information, he can not support to being powerless in front of these events.

Bono describes a battlefield, bodies are on the ground and he roars his anger.
He makes feel that the war is not a fatality and that we have to look towards the future.
Bono criticizes the media which take the drama out of the violence and thus return the reality close to the fiction such as that does not shock any more people to see this violence.
Nevertheless, there are people who still risk to die and this in a big indifference.
Irish Catholics are very religious, this is why he cries out the victory of Jesus.

Lola et Eva 1er ES2

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